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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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mortar strikes turkey flies and syria again in response to a mortar attack as the turkish prime minister says uncle raul will go to war if provoke. the return of the republic problems rarely fold when mission independence so frustrated with groans cuts and calling for the thousand years stage and to make a comeback. and hundreds demanded an end to u.s. drone attacks in pakistan with a two day march right into the heart of the strike say.
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it's nine o'clock here in moscow and you're watching r t a live with me and say we start off in turkey way it's launched a fresh add to the restrike on syria in response to another mortar attack from across the border ancora began its shelling on wednesday in retaliation for syrian war to a bomb that killed civilians a middle east correspondent policy here has the details. we do know that there's a mortar bomb landed in the countryside in turkish that territory so it is possible that no one in fact was injured or killed we also have no word on who was responsible for the later mortar from syria what i can tell you though is that almost immediately turkey responded and went on the offensive meaning that we had the situation along the turkish syrian border intensifying it's not a back on wednesday when a mortar bomb fired from syria killed five turkish citizens and since in the situation has nearly escalated we're hearing from the turkish prime minister that
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he does not want a situation of war but he has warned the syrians not to make a fatal mistake and that is a quote from him and taste his resolve the syrians for their side has apologized for those what is interesting is that you need to realize that these waters that are being fired from syria into turkey all close range missiles now they are coming from territory that is controlled by the syrian rebels so this is why many are suggesting that perhaps they are being fired on purpose they're being fired to provoke the situation and create a false flag operation now the reasoning behind this could be that turkey for some time has been calling for a no fly zone it might be provoked into calling for foreign intervention and for nato to get involved in fact we've heard some rebel leaders in exile call for this although the majority of exiles in the majority of syrians are against this but the situation intensifying on the ground and everyone concerned that we could see this
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border tension into some kind of regional conflict the battle certainly is intensifying the latest there's a video that has now been released by the syrian rebels we have no confirmation as to the or fav the patient of the video but in it it does claim that the rebels will start executing forty eight shiite muslims from iran if damascus does not meet the demands of the syrian rebels now there has been dialogue and some kind of negotiations. while between the syrian government and the ring in government at the same time just outside damascus the rebels have shot down a syrian helicopter gunship but this comes as shelling continues between both sides in several cities around the country russia has come to the fore in a mediator evolve it has said that it hopes the united nations arab envoy to syria will be coming to moscow perhaps the later this month and they too they hope that both sides will express caution moscow also saying that these cross border
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incidents are completely unacceptable the republic of in this planning for glorious comeback supporters of the nation independence from italy are gathering for relative to demand the region goes it alone tired of being saddled with rooms austerity is the latest in a number of european regions to consider him to dependents including scotland and got the lumia the inside let's be to dr. deal as a political and strategic analyst joining us live here in r.t. good to have you with us now there is an overwhelming support for independence in venice as some seventy to eighty percent according to recent data so if it was to break free do you think the region will be able to also freed self from economic downturn. listen this idea of venetian independence is as poor old as the league party who actually fares in very bad
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waters for a number of prominent scandals but touched is the. chairman mr. burke the boss so to explore it of course the difficulty of this government which is rather popular is a very easy shot so the demonstration would be against first of all and nick which is false gerry to be and then for independence but frankly it would be rather difficult to do it and that more than the us knows very well that the situation is really not the best for asking independence as the flemish party in belgium has discovered very quickly after two thousand and six. that event as it is demanding a referendum when the if the people vote for independence will roam really let it go without a fight. frankly know there have been two attempts of
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independence with regional break away actually first in sicily in the late forty's early fifty's and there was also a get really forrest certain period of time and it was flushed. and then in softened to roll there was a terrorist movement and this was a rather quickly close darwinian three years good negotiations italy will view the country too close an independent is movement in such a short time and no one peached now because everybody is happy so there are reasons for protesting a very concrete in the monti government is very isn't really doing enough for you know just. spreading these cuts and sacrifices across all of the population and just not just the middle class and the poor ones but for the rest
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well let's see the manifestation but if they really want independence it will be a very long and difficult way to go. dr but i do we've seen protests across europe from spades and now in other cities in italy milan just yesterday are rallying against cuts from rome so how far is that it's only prepared to follow brussels austerity. it's not just brussels was staring it's really mr monti is austerity mr monti was very clear the beginning of his monday yes he had to cut. yes you had to rebalance the bunch but would it be equity there would be some social just use in doing these cuts and every time not just you know northern italian discovering that this equity is written in very very in a very very small form so practically there is no way quickly those cards if you are big rich and well protected by your. knees
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well the cuts will not be so severe. will leave a dry pay thank you very much dr alessandra polly dean political and strategic and he's joining us and giving us his thoughts here on r.t. . read more stories of features and videos and analysis are in store for you on the web there you'll find study again study the european food safety authority has rejected a controversial report by french scientists linking g.m. to cancer had in line for details. radical muslim cleric abu hamza the and four other terror suspects are extradited to the u.s. that's after losing their peel in the u.k. over what they claim is a lack of evidence in the case find out on a website. riot police and when have fired tear gas and water cannons at antigovernment protesters after
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a funeral march for an activist who died in custody turned violent demonstrators accuse the government of denying the men treatment but the authorities claim he died of a blood disease program from crowds are trying to reach their full mahaba pearl square in the capital manama which is now heavily guarded by police protesters threw firebombs and rocks as tear gas canisters were hurled at them by officers the sunni more nike has been cracking down on this your opposition for some twenty months now the activists are demanding equal rights and the release of political prisoners including prominent human rights activists not people regev is currently serving three years in prison for attending any legal rally from a rainy m.p. . most always says a certain states only get involved when you benefits them. the problem that the double standard which practice by. trees are.
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really to consume on those regimes who are. let's say we relationship with them or probably big concert of them as image but like old regime it's a part of their system they have lots of relationships they give them some. let's say support. as one proves they may take some first cities and they have the only from our countries down so why they ignore what's happening here although it's not list done what's happening somewhere else. later on on ard see a fight against american drone attacks hundred activists across pakistan led by a form of cricket star turned opposition figure to it and the destructive strikes. drives groups like use london of denying people their personal freedoms claimed
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posing high fines but i'll feel offensive. these stories and much more off to this break stay with us. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the suckling island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted to visit is now the speech u.s. place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction.
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really has been exploring the deaths of the world sees for several decades but it's here at more your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for . the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the underwater world here is extremely rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet including the island of bali on top of my list while some go to the cycling region to enjoy the sights others convert the islands nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight shock hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon caviar and necessary attribute of anything in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than one hundred million dollars net profit . at a large extent this is old to do what succulent offers environmentally the tonight show operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights
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and delicious seafood succulent can offer a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe. question is whether this distant blond would ever be able to become a major tourist destination. you. know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought
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you knew. i'm trying hard is a big. you're watching r t welcome back good to have you with the hundreds of peace activists have joined a two day march in pakistan against you was joining strikes in the country the convoy which is traveling from islamabad to salt was in response is being led by cricketing legend imraan khan who since become an opposition politician the region is a hotbed of taliban militancy and a metaphor because of the u.s.
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strikes that's all told to a political activist alibi alvey who's joining us now live from caracas good to see them as to all be now con claims that the drone strikes have killed large numbers of civilians and engrave tribal factions living in the area and he's called on people to shoot them out of the sky but despite this message is he saved to travel into such a dangerous place. i think he is saying it is basically do with the lord's grand jury go out of that region has welcomed him there it would be only an assistance that is being provided by the government which does not want to open this up who exposure because for the past five years the hiding the fact the songs have been attacking this region on the on the public front they actually deny it but on privately behind the doors of the u.s. government they actually accept the fact that these drones have done this is an attack on a sabbatical and unfortunately this. box has to be opened and of course the model
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on which is that region that in those blocks ultimately stands open to be to national media that this this. issue has been going on for the past five or six years against the people of iraq so now you support the party of imran khan so why are you not there now. basically i am actually a social media activist and my father is a general secretary of some very good sob and he gets to or he is the second or third in command so he gets to enjoy the at their leading and brush going out there while i get to sit back home and that is the family and speak to us here on our t.v. now concept the aerial strikes were against all humanitarian laws and just help militants to recruit more people so why does the end of the pakistani government do more to stop them i wish they would i mean on the public front there are actually it's tried to denounce but it's just a simple attack most of the energy and unfortunately for the past five years our
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government has actually bought into the american war on terror and the board has acted which started off to be that the american war has now become our war and should be should catch on hold of these terrorists that are doing it but unfortunately not even they're not able to handle the economic affairs of the country let alone disturb the mission that has been be falling our country tired. now let's talk about the human u.n. human rights group who have repeatedly urged an investigation into such killings after after all we never see any videos or photos or data of the strikes what's really was got to got to hide. basically it's just. attack on a civilian getting the day they're doing a by the report that has been published by the stanford you know see just this last month i actually see only two percent of the terrorists are killed and ninety eight percent of of civilians innocent civilians are killed in these attacks so i think
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they've got a lot to hide because in accuracy of drone attacks drone bombers are totally destroying the peace in the region and actually making more enemies and more creating more american some within pakistan as before right to leave it right there that our balvenie who is a political activist from pakistan are joining us from karachi thank you for speaking to r.t. but the u.s. defense chief leon panetta has called on the afghan president to thank american troops rather than criticize them who is responding to him because lies complaints of the third say that washington is failing to go after militants have based in neighboring pakistan that's all on the eve of the eleventh anniversary since nato forces invaded the country antiwar activists and journalists don de bar b. feels the alliance is simply not welcome in the country. the united states has a blind spot to the fact that people tend to have an
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affinity for their national sovereignty that doesn't disappear just because their country is occupied by the united states and you have this manifest in afghanistan to the point where it's now obvious that if you hand an afghan he comprador soldier a weapon and show them how to use it they turn it on the american soldier that handed it to them the people of afghanistan want the united states out and it's a natural you know thing for that to occur and the united states just doesn't see that one of the goals of the u.s. imperial project is to where they can't completely dominate a place leave the people at each other's throats while they carry off the resources and so there's agitation for that that's put into play as the united states enters these countries what will happen in two thousand and fourteen is the afghanis will have an opportunity to settle their own national issues themselves without an occupying army directing the effort. it turns out walking your dog or feeding the
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birds could land you in a lot of trouble in many london parks so all rights groups have accused the city of cracking down on personal freedoms despite there being little information on what activities are banned and way and as our teaser for the reports it's not even the police will be after you if you break the rules here in this park in london if your found drinking alcohol or growing up or or even feeding the pigeons you could inadvertently be committing a criminal or civil offense surprise will serve a lot of people the band in london map shows a whopping four hundred thirty five prohibition zones aimed at tackling and she say she behavior the might of been a good policy idea in theory has local people say ended up a very bad policy in practice meaning hardline crackdowns on the soft this of misdemeanors disconcertingly many bars in london have now hired private contractors
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to carry out the enforcement of these fines phil morris knows all about the after his local council higher taxes services he received an eighty pound penalty for dropping a cigarette butt and that he maintains he didn't know it was illegal he refused to pay two fruit floater. for. just two r x four the private security and surveillance of the ming providers a so called in full sprint offices in the u.k. contracted by some local councils first start the kitted out with cameras and uniforms but their tactics for pursuing these fines often seem far from professional was. we asked phil's local council for their response they told these new offices back
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up for the public who are not with the actions of the minority who dropped litter and move in their dog fouls. are litter and not get paid unless the issue of fine appropriately unsurprising that the area is where x. will have been hired has seen a massive increase in the number of fines that a receipt and there's now concern over whether that is fair or ethical and about accountability the transparency i recently dealt in the home affairs select committee which looks at these issues with a case of the law on the bar of new and which has law enforcement officers who are in fact council officials but dressed up like police have been promised them a commission is going to look into it because it's it's actually i think a criminal activity to pretend to be a police officer when you're not and i'm very concerned about how about that trend is going i think in the past it would be assumes that people knew the law that it was reasonable and so long as you weren't creating a problem then you could do what you like but increasingly it seems that that is no
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longer the case these findings may be surprising for sun but the truth is these types of laws and offenses are being creeping up on us the sun time now they're actually growing in number so also the moment you can enjoy the parks in london but if you do you do not feed them in. london. in a few minutes it's lauren lister's capital account. the sun rises over what seems like and lowest forest but here in the new directions quite hundred kilometers north of light of all storm as in much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. bloggers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the
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forest of the more skewed region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis the world wildlife fund for nature makes regular trips to help local rangers do what little they can to stop the logging but it's not easy lager set up trucks making them hard to reach in an already rough terrain and have mastered ways to jump through legal loopholes this is a nature reserve we're only sanitary logging of disease trees is allowed according to law and not a single berry can be picked but loggers like this use their sanitary logging permit to cut down absolutely healthy trees and sell the profitable to member over the border in china we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy to forests or in our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander someone in ca has been
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a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that the twelve the tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quite. in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promote the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it i guess the government now for more of. the bells and so on and you forest
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and according to. the guys in the in the forest through the still the forest still doesn't work just. as no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone they'll sell it all to china what will the people who live afterwards do. it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for friday october fifth two thousand and twelve the european central bank sees buying a large amount of solver and bonds through its unlimited bond buying program or o.n.t. for one or two months from now called on to reassess that's according to reuters
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and of course we know q e three has put monetary easing in the realm of unlimited the attempts to reflate have really reached another level. oh my god speed is too slow too slow we're going to have to go right through he said crisply. ludicrous so. will discuss ludicrous speed with the very same chris martin said meanwhile consumer credit rose more than forecast in. august according to the fed the eighteen point one two billion dollar rise was driven by borrowing for education and automobiles it's up the most in three months so is this a sign the bubble is being replated or are we past the deflationary point of no return we'll talk about it and the unemployment rate dips to seven point eight percent as the job gains used to calculate it clocked at eight hundred seventy three thousand or the most in almost a decade wow that's amazing driven by what well those who are part time for
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economic reasons look at that bar on the far right at the very end ok it's not the largest increase since february of two thousand and nine and those folks who can't get full time work their part time for economic reasons they are counted as employed too so we'll talk about that also how the factor of exponential population growth compounds the problem let's get to today's capital account. central bank policy in the u.s. has gone from traditional monetary policy of setting interest rates to then buying u.s. treasuries and government agency debt to buying mortgage backed securities and i suppose that attempt to bolster the housing market and spur the economy while
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leaving the timeframe for future purchases open ended no more need for press three releases we can save money on paper let's go back to that spaceballs clip to follow through this idea of ludicrous. pressure from the much. slow we're going to have to go right to the print screen. so whatever joined us for the ship to purchase what's a better colonel sanders. they go ahead and do it and things don't end well in baseballs as that order ultimately sends that dark helmet dude flying through the wall of the space ship it was reckless what he commanded his ship to do it's a great lesson for central bankers who in their attempt to break the laws of physics have inverted time and space sucking whatever generation is left out of the bond market combine that with credit expansion excuse me combined that credit expansion with a more whole.


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